Sunday, 10 July 2011

Putting the POP in cupcake pops

I am a very lucky girl, I work with a bunch of fabulous ladies who share my passion for baking. It is lovely to be able to work with such likeminded people. Definitely makes the working day go by faster.

A few weeks ago my fellow baking colleague, Angela, introduced me to the phenomenon of cake pops – cake on a lolly pop stick! She even made some for a morning tea we had at work. They were so incredibly cute and delicious (which is always a bonus).

I decided to try and give cake pops a go this morning. In all honesty, I didn’t think it would be too hard. Oh, how wrong I was. They were extremely tricky to make. The cake kept falling off the darn stick every time I dunked the cake into melted chocolate. The whole exercise soon became very frustrating. Eventually I gave up after making 12 cake pops.

Of the 12 cake pops, I made a cupcake, flower, rocket and lolly pop style cake pops.

I lost countless hours of my life this morning to make 12 cake pops. I take my hat off to you Ange!

Thank you to my sister-in-law for taking the above photos and my nieces and nephew for modelling the cake pops.

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